Specialsignaler: 550 år Copernicus.

Det är 550 år sedan Nicolaus Copernicus föddes. Han är framförallt känd som astronom från Polen. Men hade även en hel del andra intressen och uppdrag… jurist, ekonom, matematiker, tolk, militärstrateg, läkare, ambassadör… osv. osv. Det var Copernicus som skrev hur planeterna kretsar sig kring solen, den s.k. heliocentriska sfären. Men även hur jorden roterar runt sin axel, det var inte så populärt då för man trodde att jorden var universums centrum…

För att fira Copernicus 550e födelsedag, har ”Polish Amateur Radio Association (PZK)” tagit fram 10 specialsignaler. Mellan 17 februari – 5e mars 2023 är de QRV. Ett diplom kan man köra ihop och med deras 8 QSL kort i handen får man en fin stor bild som här nere!

Med 8 QSL kort får du en stor bild av Nicolaus Copernicus och hans livsverk.

Läs mer om Nicolaus Copernicus, diplomet och QSL kort på engelska:

The 550th anniversary of the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-2023)

550 years ago on February 19, 1473 in the Polish city of Toruń, Nicolaus Copernicus was born. Nicolaus Copernicus was a Renaissance polymath, active as a mathematician, astronomer, and Catholic canon, who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than Earth at its center.
To celebrate this great event, the Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK) will organize from 17th of February 2023 till 05th March 2023 a radio action during which it will be possible to achieve a commemorative occasional award, for contacts with special event stations of the organizer. We warmly welcome the international amateur radio community to participate in our radio action!

On behalf of the Polish Amateur Radio Association (PZK) I would like to invite amateur radio community from your country to participate in our award competition related to the “The 550th anniversary of the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-2023)”.

On this occasion, from February 17, 00:00 UTC to March 5, 2023, 23:59 UTC there will be 9 special event stations on the air, as: SN550K, SN550O, SN550P, SN550E, SN550R, SN550N, SN550I, SP550K and plus additional station from Toruń City SN550NC.

Two way QSOs with these stations are included to apply for our @Award.

TOP-100 competition, for the most active stations from: SP, EU and DX – the President of the PZK will fund special distinctions in the form of merit plaques (the number of granted points is counted, and if there are equal numbers of points, a shorter time of the collection of points will be counted).

Eight occasional radio stations and eight commemorative QSL cards – collecting all QSL cards will create a large commemorative Copernican banner.

Nicolaus Copernicus diplom. Länk = klicka på bilden!

Welcome to the pages of our website at: https://550mk.pzk.org.pl there are described in details our award competition, on-line log, @Award download and others information.

Hear you on the bands,

Vy 73 de Roman SQ2RH

E-mail: sq2rh@poczta.it2.pl



Author: SM5YRA