En del av oss har redan märkt det: ARRL har fått serverproblem som påverkar en mycket stor del av oss amatörer. Bland annat fungerar LoTW inte. ARRL har inte sagt det rent ut, men har nu äntligen medgivit att de utsatts för en STOR cyberattack. Här nere text på engelska. Mer information hittar man genom att klicka på bilden här till höger.
American Radio Relay League Hit by Cyberattack
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) has been targeted in a cyberattack that resulted in disruption and possibly a data breach.
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) has been targeted in a cyberattack that resulted in service disruptions and possibly a data breach.
Founded in 1914, the ARRL is the United States’ national association for amateur radio. The non-profit organization’s website says it has 100 full-time and part-time staff members, and roughly 160,000 members.
The organization informed members on Thursday, May 16, that it had been in the process of responding to a “serious incident” involving access to its network and headquarter systems.
The attack led to the disruption of services such as the ARRL Learning Center and the Logbook of the World, a database and repository where users submit electronic logs for amateur radio contacts, and where they can track their progress towards achievements and awards.
In an update shared on Friday, the ARRL told members that its database contains information such as name, address, call sign, and ARRL-specific data such as membership dates and email preferences.
However, the organization clarified that credit card information is not stored on its systems and it does not collect social security numbers.
The ARRL has not specifically said that its member database has been accessed by hackers, but its statement suggests it’s possible.
SecurityWeek has reached out to ARRL to find out if this was a ransomware attack and whether the attackers made any ransom demand. This article will be updated if the organization provides any additional information.