OZ625E ENIGMA aktiviteter

Mellan 14 februari och 28 februari 2023 har EDR en specialsignal OZ625E QRV. Anledingen är (åter)invigningen av Post- och telegrafmuseet i Köpenhamn. Mer information om OZ625E + diplom, hittar ni på QRZ.com (=klicka på anropssignalen)
Information om ENIGMA på engelska:
EDR – Experimenting Danish Radioamateurs  proudly invites you and all your members and HAM-friends to participate in our celebration of the opening of the Danish National Communications Museum in Copenhagen. Originally it was the ”Post and Tele Communication Museum” and have its roots more than 200 years back in history. Now it is reopened in new buildings, with new ideas and with a new name.
”ENIGMA – Museum of Post and Tele Communications ”
Mer om EDR + Enigma event = klicka på bilden.

ENIGMA, in collaboration with the Municipality of Copenhagen, has established a Makerspace – a digital loop room – which is used by children and young people from Copenhagen schools during school hours, but which will be part of the upcoming exhibitions as an offer to all the museum’s guests.
ENIGMA runs a Learning Lab, where children and young people from all over the country can learn about e.g. technology, innovation, communication history and fake news.
Since 2018, ENIGMA has conducted more than 100 conversation dinners in grocery stores throughout the country based on ENIGMA’s conversation menu.
ENIGMA is a partner with Radio-24syv, and delivers two hours of radio every week; the program ”ALL CAPS” is about what is happening on social media, while the program ”We are data” is about our dream of technology as our servant, and our fear of technology as our subjugator.

We hope for some good 14 days of activity on the airwaves and that we will send many Awards out in the world.
Länk till museet hemsida=klicka på bilden.
Källa + bild: OZ2I/Henning – EDR Eventmanager + enigma.dk

Author: SM5YRA