DX-Adventure – JW0X – EU026 – QO100

En intressant DXpedition är på gång kommande månad: 2 belgare som står bakom det hela. Text är på engelska här nere:


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DX-Adventure is a joint venture of ON5UR/Max and ON4ANN/Erik, and consists of 15 very enthusiastic people with all experience in participating or organizing a DX-pedition.

The first DX-Adventure project is therefore immediately ambitious:
The Arctic Archipelago – Svalbard – IOTA EU026 from April 19-26, 2022.

The setup is to be active with 5 stations on all HF bands in different modes (CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8-FT4). In addition, we have the ambition to be the first to activate EU026 on QO-100. Three team members take on the challenge of driving a snowmobile all the way to Kapp Linné, about 100km east of Longyearbyen.

This is the only location that allows a ”line of sight” on the QO-100 satellite. In addition, Kapp Linné is also on the edge of the satellite footprint – speaking of a challenge…

Read all about the DXpedition here.


Every contribution is welcome and appreciated, but with a donation of at least 25 Euros you have a chance to win one of the 10 JW0X flags. With a donation of 50 Euro you will receive a beautiful JW0X scarf (17 x 125 cm), a nice souvenir that should not be missing in the shack.
A list of all registered sponsors can be found on the JW0X sponsor page,

You hear our signals we feel the pile-up.

DX Adventure team


Author: SM5YRA