På IARUs hemsida finns information om amatör trafik i Bosnien efter översvämningar förra veckan som SM7MWA/Thomas tipsade mig om. Texten finns här ner på engelska.
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Alen Ruvic E71AR,Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator for Bosnia reports amateur radio is active in responding to severe flooding and landslides which have struck his country on 4th October.
He asks radio amateurs to avoid operating on 3.612 and 7.150MHz on HF and in the region of the border areas with Bosnia the repeater channel 145.675MHz which are being used as part of the response. The VHF calling channel 145.500 should be monitored in the area.
Local media report over 20 people have lost their lives so far following the disaster with at least 40 still missing. Power and communications networks have been disrupted by the flooding and landslides along with blockages on road and rail links.
Radio Amateurs are encouraged to support their colleagues in Bosnia by keeping those frequencies clear.