ZS9MADIBA – Specialsignal för att hedra Nelson mandela

Nelson Mandela i Johannesburg 2008.
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Sydafrikas amatörradiounion, SARL, meddelar att man kommer att  använda en specialsignal för att hedra minnet av den bortgångne förre presidenten Nelson Mandela.
Medlemmar i SARL får ansöka om att använda signalen enligt ett tidsdelningsschema som SARL upprättar. QSL via SARL.
Läs mer om Nelson Mandela på Wikipedia.
Läs Obamas tal vid minnesceremonin över Nelson Mandela i The Guardian. Klicka på bilden i artikeln för att se videon på knappt fyra minuter.

Här följer informationen från SARL in extenso:
”*ZS9MADIBA – Special call sign to celebrate President Nelson Mandela’s legacy – *The SARL will be operating special event stations from around South Africa using the call sign*ZS9MADIBA*. Members of the SARL are invited to apply for time slots to operate ZS9MIDIBA from their own shacks. QSLing is via the bureau or by sending your QSL to SARL, P O Box 1721, Strubensvallei 1735, South Africa. You may also use Logbook of the World. To receive the special QSL card by mail, include $1 for postage.
ZS9MADIBA is the South African Radio League Special Event Station commemorating the life and recent passing of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, elder statesman and first democratically-elected President of the Republic of South Africa. Affectionately referred to as “Madiba”, he became one of the most recognised leaders in the world and was instrumental in the peaceful transition of South Africa from minority rule to a constitutional democracy. South Africans join the people of the world in mourning his passing and celebrating his legacy.
Dennis, ZS4BS
My hobby is amateur radio – www.iaru-r1.org www.sarl.org.za
Slut citat.

Author: SM7DZV