Öppen undersökning om amatörradio

Den ungerska amatörradioorganisationen MRASZ har gjort en undersökning bland de ungerska radioamatörerna och bjuder nu in alla att delta i en fortsatt internationell undersökning. Du hittar originaltexten nedan och här är länken till undersökningen: LÄNK

Following the main technological examples MRASZ initiated a national survey with ~50 questions amongst the Hungarian radio-amateurs in 2022 to see the current status of the radio-amateurs in the country.

The basic approach was – beside having basic demographic picture – to see the distribution in several topics and potentially creating couple of points which might be usable for strategical target settings for the upcoming actions.

After the evaluation the idea came to (as the next ambition level) make the survey international around the world to have a world-wide projection of the same questions.

It is public and available for clicks. Please distribute it to all members in the societies for having it more representative giving better picture about the current state.
The results and evaluation is planned to be shared as an online event with Q&A session included. Of course, it is planned the make the results public, and even the raw data can be made available for further analysis.

Csaba  HA3LN
…in the name of MRASZ

Author: SM6EAN