”Dear contesters,
We are inviting every single one of you to spend 4 hours with us during the ES-OPEN Contest 2021. Last year we had superb activity from outside ES, which allowed us to reach record high QSO numbers. Only 1 week to go, don’t miss out!
Log upload, detailed rules and results are available at http://esopen.eu
Long story short:
– 17th of April from 5:00 UTC to 9:00 UTC.
– 80 and 40 meter band simultaneously.
– Both SSB and CW.
– RST + SERIAL NO throughout the contest.
– SSB = 1 point / CW = 2 points
– MULT – ES prefixes from ES0…ES9 (once per band and per mode – maximum MULT count is 40 for MIX category)
– 4 equal periods (5:00 – 5:59 / 6:00 – 6:59 / 7:00 – 7:59 / 8:00 – 8:59)
– Station can be worked in each period, once per band and per mode. So maximum 16 QSO’s per station
– NON-ES stations work only ES.
– ES stations work everyone.
DX-Log, N1MM, TR4W, CGLog, RumLogNG etc have ES-Open support.
Happy hunt!
73! Kristjan, ES7GM”
Texten tagen ur mejl från tävlingsarrangören.
Glöm inte vår egen Månadstest (MT) på söndag 18 april. SSB kl. 1400-1500Z och CW 1515-1615Z på 40 och 80m, väl mött!
Självfallet räknas både ES-OPEN och Månadstesten in i SSA:s HF-contest cup, MT ger dessutom dubbla poängen!