Please join us for the Hawaii QSO Party! Despite the grief and thoughts going out to our Maui amateurs, several or whom lost their homes, we are determined to make this QSO party successful.
The HQP will run from 0400Z 25 August to 0359Z 27 August 2023.
The objective is to work as many Hawaii stations as possible on the HF bands, 10, 15, 20, 40, 80, and 160 meters. Hawaii stations can be worked only once per band per mode (CW, SSB, digital). Digital modes include ALL digital modes (RTTY, PSK, QPSK, FT-x, VarAC, etc) as “digital”.
The use of spotting networks is permitted and encouraged. Remember that operation must conform to home country regulations.
This is a great opportunity to work Hawaii stations, especially for those looking to
achieve a WAS or DXCC award, whether in general, band specific, or mode specific.
Please see our website (https://www.hawaiiqsoparty.org/) for complete information. Questions or comments can be addressed to AD6E@arrl.net.
Join us and have fun!
With Aloha,
Alan AD6E / KH6TU
HQP Chairman”