HA DX-contest 18-19 januari

Dear Contesters,

The Hungarian Radio Amateur Society invites you to participate in the HA-DX Contest to be held on 18-19th January 2025. All hams are kindly welcomed and encouraged to participate in this nice event.

Due to some changes in the past years the HA-DX Contest became a popular event among contest community with over 2000 participants.

There are some minor news in the Rules eg. increasing the youth 6 hour category to 12 hour and delete the 10 minutes rule for ”multiplier stations” in the M/S category.

I hope these changes helps to make more popular the contest.

Before you start, you are kindly asked to check all the changes in the Rules:


See you in the contest:


Author: SM1TDE

Radioamatör sedan 1989. Dagligen aktiv på telegrafi. Medlem i FOC och SSA. Sektionsledare HF sedan januari 2021. Född 1972.