YB DX RTTY 12 mars

”YB DX RTTY Contest will be held on March 12, 2022 -> 00:00 UTC – 23:59 UTC (24 Hours)

We are inviting you to participate again in this contest.
The same rules as last year. NO MULTI OPERATOR Category due to COVID19 situation. Everyone works everyone, but you will get higher score if you successfully contact a station from Indonesia. You can find more details at https://rtty.ybdxcontest.com/

Softwares that is very useful in participating in this contest can be seen here https://rtty.ybdxcontest.com/software/

For those of you who have been participants in the past year, you can find the final results on https://rtty.ybdxcontest.com/score-database/

Some of the prizes being competed in the next contest can be seen at https://rtty.ybdxcontest.com/plaque-available/
If you want to become a sponsor of this contest, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

See you in the contest.

Contest Manager”

Author: SM1TDE

Radioamatör sedan 1989. Dagligen aktiv på telegrafi. Medlem i FOC och SSA. Sektionsledare HF sedan januari 2021. Född 1972.