Spanska URE firar 75 år med specialstationer QRV 1-30 april

Dear colleagues,

The current year 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the URE, Union of Spanish Radio Amateurs (IARU Spanish member society). To commemorate this significant event, the URE, a member society of IARU, releases the following special diploma, available to any licensed radio amateur station or SWL around the world.

Contacts must be made, from April the 1st to April the 30th, 2024,  in the 160m, 80m, 60m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m, 6m, 4m, 2m, 70cm and 13cm amateur bands, using Phone (SSB and FM), CW, Machine Generated Modes (FT4, FT8 and RTTY), Satellite (SAT) and Digital Voice (DMR, C4FM and DSTAR) with the 18 special stations transmitting from Spain with the prefix AO75 plus their Autonomous Community’s suffix according to the following list, and with the two general stations, AO75URE from Spain and CQ75URE from Portugal, summarizing 20 special stations:

• AO75AN (Andalusia)
• AO75AR (Aragon)
• AO75IC (Canary Island) (EA8)
• AO75CA (Cantabria)
• AO75CL (Castile and León)
• AO75CM (Castilla-La Mancha)
• AO75CT (Catalonia)
• AO75MA (Madrid Community)
• AO75NA (Foral Community of Navarra)
• AO75CV (Valencia Community)
• AO75EX (Extremadura)
• AO75GA (Galicia)
• AO75IB (Balearic Islands) (EA6)
• AO75LR (La Rioja)
• AO75MC (Melilla and Ceuta) (EA9)
• AO75EU (Basque Country)
• AO75PA (Principality of Asturias)
• AO75MU (Murcia Region)
• AO75URE (Spain)
• CQ75URE (Portugal) (CT)

DATES: From April 1st to April 30th, 2024.

75 Anniversary of the URE special diploma website and rules:

We hope you will enjoy this special commemorative activity with us and look forward to meeting all of you on the airwaves!

Please, inform your members about it.

Thank you very much!

Gaspar Miró, EA6AMM
URE IARU liaison

10 CW-QSO under aktivitetens första dag gav detta bronsdiplom.

Not: en månads imponerande aktiviteter på banden gav 1.3 miljoner QSO fördelade på 93000 olika motstationer, med SM kördes 1100 QSO.

QSL-kort går att beställa via hemsidan, vara att klicka i vilka QSO bekräftelse via byrån önskas för.

Author: SM1TDE

Radioamatör sedan 1989. Dagligen aktiv på telegrafi. Medlem i FOC och SSA. Sektionsledare HF sedan januari 2021. Född 1972.