I början av 2023 kommer det göras ett nytt försök att aktivera Bouvet, det näst mest efterfrågade DXCC-landet. De två senaste expeditionerna 3Y0Z och 3Y0I fick bägge avbryta och åka hem utan att ha kommit i land. Nu är det så dags för 3Y0J med bl.a. N6PSE, LA7GIA och DL6KVA att ge sig på denna utmaning.
Följande pressmeddelande skickades ut igår:
”Information from Intrepid DX Group:
Press Release from the Intrepid-DX Group
3Y0J Dxpedition to Bouvet Island, January/February 2023
As we completed our successful VP8STI-South Sandwich and VP8SGI-South Georgia DXpeditions in 2016, we began to plan for our next Dxpedition. Our target is the Norwegian Island Bouvet. This is the #2 most wanted DXCC entity.
At this time, it gives us great pleasure to announce that we have joined forces with Intrepid Norwegian DXpeditioner Ken Opskar-LA7GIA in our quest to activate Bouvet.
Together, in January 2023, 14 men will board the Braveheart in Capetown and make the treacherous voyage to Bouvet. We will plan to spend twenty days at Bouvet and weather permitting, we plan to have 14 to 16 good days of radio activity.
This will be an arduous and expensive mission. Our budget is $764,000 USD and the 3Y0J team will fund much of this mission. We desperately need the global DX Community to support our mission and help us make this important activation of the #2 most wanted DXCC entity. It is only through this kind of support that we can achieve our mission of making 100,000 contacts or more from Bouvet.
We plan to make best use of Propagation and Modes on 10-160 meters.
We pledge to assemble the strongest team possible and to use good operating practices to optimize your ability to reach our stations. We are confident that the Braveheart crew can get us there and back safely.
In closing, we especially wish to recognize and thank the Northern California DX Foundation and the International DX Association as our premier donors. Without the support of the NCDXF and INDEXA, operations to the world’s rarest entities would not be possible.”
Att transporten görs med Braveheart bådar gott.